We ship all our products by Priority Airmail Deutsche Post or DHL with a tracking number. Additionally, all packages are insured up to 500 euros.
When you go to checkout, you will see the estimated delivery time for your package. Please note that the delivery time is out of our hands and depends on the current capacities of the shipping company and the local post office.
Estimated delivery time by zones (before the COVID-19 pandemic):
Worldwide zones - Delivery time*
Europe: 3-7 days
USA - Canada - South America: 1-2 weeks
Turkey - Israel - Cyprus: 1-2 weeks
Australia - New Zealand: 2-3 weeks
Russia - Middle East: 2-3 weeks
The rest of the world: 2-4 weeks
* Estimated delivery time provided by Deutsche Post before the COVID-19 pandemic. Please note that the recent delivery time is longer. You can see the new estimated delivery time in your cart.
Important: COVID-19 Update
As a result of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and due to the local carrier of final destination or local customs procedures, delivery might have a delay. Please note that the delivery time is out of our hands. In case of long transit time or damage, please contact your local post office.
For more information regarding the current delivery situation, please visit the following websites:
Deutsche Post (International Mail and Parcel Services): www.deutschepost.de/coronavirus-en
DHL (International Mail and Parcel Services): www.dhl.de/coronavirus-en
DHL Express: https://www.simplydhl.com/covid-19updates